Happy Christmas 2013

Christmas WonderWe want to take this opportunity to thank you for your readership and support. To have you as a member of our virtual family means the world to us.

We hope that you take some time during the holiday festivities to let those you care about know that you love them. It’s not how big your presents are but rather using your words and your actions to express your true feelings.

Having come close to losing my mother during the past year, I know that you can never show how much you care in the present because you don’t know how far the future will extend for you and those you love.

We wish you and those close to you the best for the holidays, whichever one(s) you celebrate.

Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen

BTW–If you need some help getting into the holiday spirit, here are 3 of our Christmas favs from years gone by:




Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/artchild/11363658764/

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