125 Free Blog Topics-Corporate and Personal Blogging

What Kids Can Teach You About Blogging

Help! I need a blog post for tomorrow! What do I write? Blank screen syndrome is a very real affliction for bloggers and other types of writers. There are times when we’re just on and other times when it’s painful to write just one meager sentence.

Sound familiar? If so, here are 125 free blog topics. These are surefire ideas to get your creative juices flowing. The key is to think like a child! Childlike wonder is great. It’s not hindered by all of the negative thoughts that our parents and teachers have put in the way. (Of course, their intentions were good, but the net effect is that we still carry those prohibitions around inside our heads.)

Even better, this list goes one step further and gives you some additional information to point you in the right direction.  Some ideas reference posts to help inspire you. Need to see an example of how to use these free blog titles? Check out this post: Branding-Color Inside The Lines.

For corporate bloggers, use this list to get help from other areas of the company. Use a topic to do a roundup of ideas. Remember you’re part of a team. Make blogging a team effort!

125 Free Blog topics for corporate and personal blogging

Play with other children

  1. Let’s play. Have a play date lately? Do people you need to play with other children?
  2. Follow the leader. This topic could be useful to help members get in line. Alternatively, this can be used to show how to be different.
  3. Are you a bully? In the social media connected world, this is important.
  4. How to avoid being the bully. This can a gentle way to discuss the challenges of online problems.
  5. Do you play well with the other children? This is a good topic for pointing out organizational dysfunction.
  6. Why you can’t play for our team? This is a great business topic where you can talk about being a team player. It’s also good for talking about when you shouldn’t be a follower.
  7. Being a team player. Useful for a wide variety of business topics. It’s particularly important for discussing how to build cross-organizational relationships.
  8. Be the leader of your own gang. What it takes to lead. Everyone wants to be a member of the C-suite. (For more information on this topic, check out Lisa Petrilli’s great blog.)
  9. Choosing sides. A great title for posts about how to avoid various pitfalls in business. It can also be useful for discussing the pros and cons of a specific topic.
  10. Bet you can’t keep a secret! Everyone has secrets. It adds to the allure. Do you know anything special about your blog topic that you can share?
  11. Does ___ need a time out? Think the new approach to discipline. This is a great way to talk about challenges in the workplace. Alternatively, this topic can be used to discuss any issue where a cooling off period is needed.

The games children play

  1. Chutes and Ladders of life. This children’s game is about how easily you can go up and down.
  2. Monopoly, the game. A family classic that has lots of angles to it. Pass go and collect $200.
  3. Go Fish. This card game can give you a hook for discussing, “What to do when you need ___?”
  4. Chess moves. Useful for discussing strategy across a wide variety of topics. Also, good for thinking about competitors.
  5. How do you Twister? This game shows kids how to maneuver out of a bad position. What does this mean for your business?
  6. Building blocks. Use this idea to teach the basics as an alternative to a 101.
  7. Can you Jenga? Be careful how you build things. Support is everything?
  8. Are you a Legomaniac? Legos must be put together piece by piece, following the instructions. Even better, use Lego pieces to spell out your points. (Anyone have kids available to help them?)
  9. Do you collect Pokemon cards? These collectible cards are variations on existing animals. How can you leverage these symbols in your business?
  10. What collecting baseball cards taught me. This can apply to any other types of collection. Other popular pastimes include stamps and coins.
  11. Lessons from Barbie. What playing with dolls taught me or, alternatively, how to break the mold.
  12. Bob the Builder. How do you put something together?
  13. Puzzles. Did you like putting puzzles together? How does this apply to your blog topic?

Get creative

  1. Color inside the lines. You can talk about how to conform. Of course, you can also talk about coloring outside of the lines!
  2. Paint my world. Talk about creativity as it relates to a specific topic or to the world in general.
  3. Color my world. Useful way to discuss color. This can be applied to a wide range of topics such as fashion.
  4. Don’t leave a mess. Anyone for Cleanup? Great way to talk about organization.
  5. Sing along Raffi. Use a song to have fun. This is one way to add an audio or video to your blog.
  6. Build me a sand castle. What do you want to construct?

Let’s go to the playground

  1. Recess: Do you need a break from ___? How vacations and breaks can get you back on track.
  2. Do you play well with other children? Use this hook to discuss an issue where people aren’t getting along.
  3. Lessons from the playground. Another spin on getting along.
  4. Swings. Use the image of a swing for discussing changes such as management or direction. Or alternatively, do you need a push to get going?
  5. See-saw. Discuss the ups and downs of a topic and how to take them with grace.
  6. Monkey bars. How to climb to the top of a specific topic.
  7. Hide and seek. What don’t you see that’s right in front of you?
  8. Tag! You’re it. What to do when you get the job no one wants?
  9. King of castle. Who’s really the top dog and why?
  10. Learning to ride a bicycle. What memories does this bring home? It’s the classic father-child activity.
  11. Do you need training wheels? Supply your readers with help on a topic.

Keep it in the family.

  1. Family stories. Do you have any family stories that you can tell others? They don’t have to be larger than life.
  2. Why family matters. Think beyond the traditional notion of family.
  3. Stuff my father says. Of course, you need another spin on this popular topic.
  4. What I learned from my big sister. Did you learn something special from your sister?
  5. Why being in the middle is best! How to see the world from being in the center.
  6. What my little brother taught me. Any lessons from the youngest in your family?
  7. Importance of family chores. How a small chore can be the entryway to a bigger picture.
  8. Why we’re a family. This is a great way to talk about your employees or your customers.
  9. Family trips. Did you learn something by traveling with your family? Can you use this as a start for talking about your business or showing us your farm or other venue?
  10. Childhood memories. Images from your youth are powerful connections. Recently major brands have been using them. Kraft’s mac and cheese campaign and Oreos’ Facebook page stand out as examples.
  11. Dress up. Did putting on your parents clothes play a role in your childhood? Can you show us some new insights about being grownup that we’re missing?
  12. Visit the zoo. Can the animals at the zoo give you a new perspective?
  13. Under the big top. Flying high and taking risks.
  14. Visit to grandma’s house. Did you grandparents teach you anything? Favorite stories they told you? Dishes from grandma’s table – using food as a metaphor.  (Of course, my Jewish grandmother never made anything except cold cuts. (Really, I’m not making this up!))
  15. Hand me downs anyone? What was it like to wear someone else’s clothes? I had a favorite red sweater that my mother made for my older cousin.
  16. Listen to your mother. Moms are always great as a source of inspiration. What did your mom push you to do? How did she make you feel better about something?
  17. Spring break. Did you take any family trips that were memorable? Did the car break down? Dad got lost? Fun family lore that you can apply to your current situation?
  18. Wait until your father gets home! Everyone knows this isn’t good. How can you turn this around?
  19. Say your prayers. Hope springs eternal. What can you show your readers?
  20. My favorite pet. Did having a pet, even a pet rock, teach you something?
  21. Family photos. Did someone say cheese? Do you have an old photo that you can use to show how you’ve changed? Or something else that’s useful to your audience?

Tell me a story – These are important for every company or organization.

  1. Nursery rhymes. These provide a treasure trove of possibilities. How about a week of nursery rhymes?
  2. Fables. Known for their classic morals, consider how you’re going to incorporate your lesson into your post. These stories usually use a form of nature like animals.
  3. Fairy tales. Every girl dreams of being a princess. How can you use these classic tales to make your point? With Prince William’s wedding in the making, there’s bound to be discussion on this topic. Here’s how I turned this one on its head with reference to Chelsea Clinton.
  4. Goldilocks and the three bears. Great lead for ideas about how to deal with feeling out of place.
  5. Greek myths. These are similar to using other classic story arcs. What’s your Achilles heel?
  6. Little Bear anyone? These stories are filled with simple lessons such as “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”
  7. Lessons from Sesame Street. How can you use these lovable characters to introduce a complex or difficult topic?
  8. Dr. Seuss. Who doesn’t love this rhyming childhood classic? Cat’s Eye did a fun post inspired by the entire oeuvre of his work.
  9. What’s Your Green Eggs and Ham? This book is a classic for helping for sales people to keep asking questions. It teaches persistence. Is this a lesson you want to discuss?
  10. Barney the purple dinosaur. A perennial fun character for the very young. It’s hard to be too serious with this start.
  11. Power Rangers. These characters come in variety of colors.
  12. Clifford. Another childhood classic that lives on public television.
  13. Where’s Waldo? This could work for a series about locations.
  14. Lightening thief. This is a newer series of children’s books. It’s a way to learn 101 information using updated stories.
  15. Where the wild things are. What this famous childhood classic inspire you to write?
  16. Nancy Drew. The classic series for girls.
  17. Hardy Boys. The classic series for boys.
  18. The Little Prince. With wonderful drawings, how can you go wrong with lessons about love and friendship?
  19. Harry Potter casts his spell. Engaging children of all ages, Harry Potter provides many characters to help you spin your magic. Margie Clayman has this Harry Potter related post. (What industry doesn’t have someone who can’t be named?) Other members of the Harry Potter cast offer their options.

School work

  1. ABCs. Can you give people 26 pieces of advice? Sue Young did.
  2. Show and tell anyone? What did you bring in to show your friends? What do you want to spotlight?
  3. An apple for the teacher. Did you do something special for any of your teachers?
  4. Teacher’s pet. Were you the teacher’s favorite? How did that work out?
  5. Class clown. Why does every class need a clown and what can you learn from this?
  6. Flash cards. Here’s another teaching device for your list.
  7. Do you need a tutor for ___? Good for talking about coaching senior and junior staff
  8. History lessons. What does the past teach you about a specific topic? This can be related to your company.
  9. Play hooky from work. Every one loves to take the day off. Think Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
  10. Do your homework. This is always a useful device to talk about how to get things done.
  11. How to fail at ___ Another teaching device.
  12. How to succeed at ___. The positive side of learning.
  13. What’s in your reportcard. Do you want to examine how a company is doing?
  14. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. This is yet another spin on the how to basics.
  15. One plus one equals two or does it? Another way to introduce your column.
  16. What my teacher taught me about ___? This is a great way to spotlght a feature. It’s even better if you have a real life teacher that you can discuss.
  17. How to pass the test. Hints for how to succeed.
  18. Why cheating doesn’t work. Here’s a morality tale in the making.
  19. Cheaters never prosper or do they? Use this to show your readers some work arounds.
  20. Back to school. This can focus on the annual process of going back to school after summer vacation or what you need to learn to be at the top of your area of expertise.
  21. Can you count to ten? Use the numbering technique to get your creative juices going.
  22. School bus. This can be a useful device to discuss a topic that has a lot of different points.

After school activities

  1. Love those extra curricular activities. What can you learn from them?
  2. How to be a girl scout (or boy scout). Does “Always be prepared? Work for you?
  3. Being on key. What does it take to be part of a choir or orchestra?
  4. What practicing my instrument taught me? Practice makes perfect for everyone.
  5. What I learned outside of school. How can you leave this great opening without a word?

Other kid stuff

  1. Who’s your super hero? This can include a wide variety of characters.
  2. Spiderman: with great power comes great responsibility. Here’s a spin on this theme that I used. Social media’s social responsibility. It even has a picture of a Spiderman.
  3. What’s your favorite television show? Did you learn anything from television that will help your readers?
  4. Build a snowman. Remember snow days before we all worked remotely. Here’s my spin on this topic: Is social media a snow job? (Snowman included!)
  5. Go to camp. Who didn’t like going to camp? What did being away from home mean to you?
  6. Candy is sweet and so are you! Even without Valentine’s Day, we all love this kid favorite.
  7. Trick or treat. What’s working and not working for your business?
  8. Eat your vegetables. What can you learn from doing thing you don’t like, particularly something that doesn’t taste good but is good for you.
  9. Drink your milk. Builds strong bones.
  10. What I learned from my lemonade stand. Did you do anything to earn money as a child? If so, what did you do and what did you learn that can help others?
  11. Take your vitamins. Another thing mom always told you.
  12. Mind your manners. How behavior influences your work or other lesson. Here’s Lucy Goldberg’s spin on this topic: Got Up From the Kids Table and Haven’t Looked Back.
  13. Nightmares. What is your audience afraid of? This is a great subject.
  14. What flavor ice cream for you? This title is good for showing a variety of options.
  15. Brush your teeth twice a day. This can be a useful starter for something else that needs to be done daily that applies to your audience.
  16. An apple a day keeps the doctor away or does it? Good hook for a health related topic.
  17. What do you want to be when you grow up? Dream on.

Remember one thing we all have in common is that we all were once children. So, whether or not you have children of your own, play hooky and do something childlike. It will help you find inspiration for your next post.

Do you have any other ideas to add to this list? If so, please add them in the comment section below. If you use any of these ideas (even In a slightly modified form), please let us know. We’re planning to do a summary of posts inspired by this list on Monday, March 7th. Please stay tuned for details.

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen

P.S. Stay tuned for the February #BloggerLove contest.  Please use the special hashtag, #BloggerLove, to identify your posts using these topics.

Hat tip to Chris Brogan for inspiring this post.

If you want some more blogging tips, check these articles:

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