
A Social Media Thank You

In honor of Thanksgiving, here’s to a new tradition of social media thank you to those who’ve helped and influenced us throughout the use.


Labor Day: Happy End of Summer

Wishing our U.S. readers the best for a very happy Labor Day!

Hope you enjoy the traditional last weekend of Summer with cookouts and the beach.

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Happy New Year 2013!

 Welcome 2013! We wish you our readers, family, friends, colleagues and social media connections the very best for 2013. We plan to continue to bring you valuable information and insights one post at a time.

Greetings Post Hurricane Sandy!

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, we hope that you, our readers, your families, friends and social media colleagues are safe. We are safe but without electricity or Internet connectivity. As a result, we may not be able to post until power is restored. Until then we hope that you find information you can use in our archives. We welcome your ideas for future columns in our comment section. Stay safe, Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen


Happy Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July 2012

Wishing you and yours the best for a very Happy July 4th! To our readers in the US, we hope you enjoy a happy, healthy and safe Independence Day. Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen

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Happy New Year

As we welcome in the new year, we wish you, your family, friends and social media connections the best for 2012.


Happy Holidays!

Wishing you, your family, friends and social media connections the best for the holidays.