
How to Get More Money From Every Sale

Do you stop marketing customers once they’ve completed their purchase from your firm? If so, you’re probably not maximizing the revenue from each sale. Here are twelve tried and true ways to increase revenues.

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Godfather Marketing: Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

When the Godfather spoke, everyone listened. Is the same true of your marketing? Everyone took Don Vito Corleone, played by Marlon Brando seriously, when he said to his godson, Johnny Fontane in The Godfather, “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” For the Godfather, that meant do as I say or I’ll kill you. While marketers don’t need to go to that extreme, they must develop effective offers related to marketing’s traditional 4Ps. Here are fifty offer-related questions to help construct your offer. (Note: Include this as part of your mid-year marketing checkup.)

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Are You Giving Away Your Product Too Cheaply?

Are you pricing your product to maximize your revenue and profit opportunities? Often, marketers underestimate the strategic importance of pricing and it’s impact on their revenue potential and bottom line. Therefore, assess your offering’s tangible and intangible benefits in fulfilling the consumer’s specific needs. To help you better price your offering, here are seven steps to assess your offering’s true value and price it accordingly.

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How to Pay for the Free Lunch Consumers Want

The free lunch concept arose in the late 1870s as a way to fill saloons and sell alcoholic drinks by giving away meals. Today, the Internet gives new meaning to the words “free lunch” as in without cost. Whether free lunch refers to shipping and handling which shoppers take as given for online purchases, content which readers expect from established media entities and other content sources, or advice from experienced individuals in the form of information and/or guidance for specific business challenges, participants expect not to pay in any form. Here are 7 ways to help your firm pay for today’s free lunch.

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Are You Selling 8-Tracks in an iTunes World?

CES, The consumer electronics show, once again shows how much Americans love their digital devices and continue to spend lots of time on them consuming content (data included). As a marketer, are you offering 8-tracks in an iTunes world? Here are 5 questions to help you assess your product offering and marketing plans as they relate to tomorrow’s hot electronic gadgets.

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The One Feature Your Social Media Marketing Must Have

Many marketers and social media folks complain that no one responds to their content. They’ve create engaging, useful content that people want but they omit the one critical piece that will get their audience to the next step: The call-to-action.


Groupon’s Costs: Can You Afford a Free Lunch?

Until earlier this week, Groupon’s meteoric business growth hasn’t been tarnished with naysayers. Poises Cafe owner Jesse Burke exposed the negative side of a Groupon offer in her Facebook post that quickly garnered online attention. This article examines the assumptions and requirements of a Groupon offer based on Burke’s experience to highlight how to think about your business, especially small ones. Please read on …

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What the Shake Shack and Pre-owned Mercedes Have in Common

What do Danny Meyer’s Shake Shack and pre-owned Mercedes have in common? You’ll have to read on to find out …

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