Marketing Career Advice: Women Tell You How To Triumph
Marketing career advice women need but don’t ask for. 30+ women in marketing give job, salary and more insights. With research and charts.
AMG Author Interview – Matt Blumberg, Startup CXO
Heidi Cohen interviews Matt Blumberg. New Book: Startup CXO: A Field Guide To Scaling Up Your Company’s Critical Functions and Teams Heidi: Startup CXO reads like a handbook for the senior management team of a startup that intends to grow into a full fledged business. It should be required reading for anyone considering starting a business (as versus a side hustle), scaling a startup, or joining a startup in a key management role.
Easy Guide To Solopreneur Pricing: How To Set Rates That Will Make You Happy
Wonder how to price your services as a solopreneur, consultant or freelancer? Use this easy guide to solopreneur pricing. It outlines (with examples) 5 types of pricing to help you.
Break the Wheel – Author Interview
With a diverse range of real-world stories, Break the Wheel offers a simple but powerful way to think for yourself when surrounded by conventional thinking. Along the way, Acunzo offers six fundamental questions to ask in any situation to start making the best possible decisions, regardless of the best practice.
Best Business Books: 50+ Marketing Experts Will Make You Smarter
50+ Marketing experts select their top business books for marketers and explain why these best business books will help you improve your skills.
The Creative Curve – Book Interview
Allen Gannett in his new book, The Creative Curve, overturns the mythology around creative genius, and reveals the science and secrets behind achieving breakout commercial success in any field.
Activate Your Agile Career – Book Interview
Whether you work in a corporation or are an entrepreneur with your own business, your job is subject to change. In Activate Your Agile Career, Marti Konstant presents an agile approach to career development and gives you the tools to navigate the work terrain in a flexible manner will enhance the lives of individuals and employers.