Actionable Marketing 101
7 Step Marketing Framework
To celebrate our 1000th blog post here’s the basic seven step framework of an actionable marketing strategy where your ultimate goal as a marketer or business owner is to get prospects, customers and the public to engage with you and to develop a profitable relationship over time.
23 Actionable Marketing Tactics To Keep Business On Track
Here are the five major marketing trends that have emerged over the last three years and five trends that have remained constant. In addition, there are 23 actionable marketing tactics.
Create Your Niche for Business Success [Graphic]
From a marketing perspective, a niche is a well-defined segment of a larger market. Because it’s difficult to be all things to all people, marketers craft their niches to suit their and business needs and resources.
Here are seven steps to help you craft your niche to ensure business success. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
The Biggest Search Optimization Mistake Marketers Make
Search optimization is a critical component of every marketing plan because it extends the reach of online and offline content and interactions. [Here’s some SEO tips to start.] Search engines are where consumers go to get their questions answered 24/7 via computers, smartphones and tablets. To help, here are the suggestions of fifteen search optimization experts with a variety of different approaches to optimizing for search .
Content Marketing Pulls Prospects In [Chart]
Content marketing continues to gain traction among marketers, both B2C and B2B because it attracts and invites prospects and customers in without hitting them over the head with price-oriented promotions. Additionally content marketing supplies food for social media, engages prospects at each step of the purchase process, and supports search optimization. To help you, here’s a chart outlining the major 18 content marketing options. [Chart included]
What 5.4% Can Teach You About Your Marketing
Only 5.4% of Iowa’s eligible voters turned out and voted in Tuesday’s Republican caucus, the first votes cast in the 2012 presidential race. If in this highly publicized race that dominated the news across media platforms for weeks, only a tiny fraction of the eligible voters turned out, what does this mean for your marketing?
Listen to the Godfather: Watch Your Competitors
Are you providing opportunities for your competitors without realizing it? Marketers can learn from Sonny Corleone’s illegitimate son, Vincent Mancini, played by Andy Garcia, who says, “Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.” in Godfather III. Here are sixteen major categories of competitive information to collect and analyze to ensure that your competitors don’t get strong on business opportunities that you’ve overlooked.
How Actionable Marketing Stacks Up (against other forms of marketing)
How does actionable marketing compare to other forms of marketing?Actionable marketing refers the ability to persuade prospects, customers and the public to engage with your brand, product and/or firm. These three elements distinguish actionable marketing from other types of marketing. Read further for comparison chart.