Heidi Cohen Interviews Pamela Wilson
New book: Master Content Strategy: How to Maximize Your Reach and Boost Your Bottom Line Every Time You Hit Publish
Q: What’s your best piece of advice for marketers?
A: Content marketing can be incredibly powerful — but it can feel like a hamster wheel you can’t get off.
My advice to people who want to use content to market their businesses?
Recognize that your website has a lifecycle, and adapt your content marketing approach as you build your content archive and your skills as a content creator.
Q: What was the inspiration for Master Content Strategy?
A: Readers from my first book, Master Content Marketing, kept asking me the next logical questions once they understood how to craft a piece of content.
In this companion book, I suggest ways to approach your publishing frequency, your promotions, and your content amplification. These were all things readers of the first book wanted to know.
Q: What is the key concept behind the book?
A: The key concept behind Master Content Strategy is that your website has a lifecycle and your content goals should change as your website matures.
In the early years, you can focus on populating your site with content. Once you have a solid content foundation, in later years your focus can turn to repurposing content, expanding your reach on other platforms, and keeping older content updated.
Q: What do you want readers to take away from your book
A: One of the most daunting sights you’ll ever see is a blank blog homepage, an empty podcast queue, or a pristine YouTube channel.
Everyone has to start somewhere — and as a content creator, you have the opportunity to grow your skills as you grow your content archive. I’m hoping readers feel encouraged and empowered by this new approach!
Q: How do you describe yourself professionally?
A: I’m an online educator, keynote speaker, award-winning marketer, and author. (Otherwise known as someone who has lived long enough to fit a lot into her career.)
Q: What are the books that inspired your work/career?
A: Two books I read in the last couple of years:
Profit First, helped me get a handle on my cashflow in a way I never had before. | |
Thought Leaders Practice by Matt Church, showed me a new way to look at my business — it’s the opposite approach to Mike Gerber’s The eMyth Revisited. |
Q: What is the biggest challenge that you’ve had to overcome?
A: Building and running an online business continues to challenge me (in a good way) to this day. I started back in 2010, and every year you have to pivot, adapt, and learn something new. It’s one of the reasons I love this field, and love helping others master it, too.
Q: What’s something unusual or fun that most people don’t know about you?
A: I read, speak, and write Spanish fluently. I have a long-time dream of delivering speeches to audiences in Spanish-speaking countries. If one of your readers knows of any opportunities, please ask them to mandarme un email.
Q: Is there a piece of content, a social media campaign or a marketing campaign that you worked on that you’re particularly proud of?
A: .
These days, the marketing I work on is for my own business.
I am especially happy with the way the sales page for my new membership program turned out. I wrote the copy and designed the page myself, so it’s a homegrown product.
The page captured the spirit of this new program and (best of all) attracted the exact audience of people I was hoping to work with.
Q: Is there anything else that we haven’t covered that you’d like to share?
A: It’s always an honor to chat with your smart readers, Heidi. Thanks for the invite!
Contact information
- Name: Pamela Wilson
- Company: BIG Brand System
- Blog: www.bigbrandsystem.com
- Books: Master Content Marketing; Proceed with Confidence; Master Content Strategy
- Twitter: @pamelaiwilson
Thanks, Pamela.
P.S. Read our previous interview with Pamela on Master Content Marketing.
Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen
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