Global Content Marketing – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Pam Didner

Global Content Marketing Book CoverWhat’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

Understanding your business objectives and audience is the core, then use analytics to test and re-test in order to refine your marketing execution. The former helps you explain “why” and the latter helps you do “what” better.

What was the inspiration for your Global Content Marketing?

I was in a global role for more than 15 years yet I had not seen any books about global content marketing. Most of the global marketing-related books are textbooks. Initially, I just wanted to share my thoughts on how to work well between the headquarters and the local team.

What is the key concept behind your book? How did you come up with it? If you have one or more visuals that encapsulate the idea, would you please share them and give us permission to use them?

While I was writing the book, it morphed from the collaboration of headquarters and local teams to something bigger.

In addition to sharing how to pull a global team together, I went ahead and explained how the teams should collectively work together from strategy planning, content creation and marketing promotion to measurements.I ended up creating the framework of the 4 P’s for Global Content Marketing.

Marketing Book Chart-Interview

  1. Plan: Set up strategy before execution
  2. Produce: Create content that matters
  3. Promote: Distribute content in the digital era
  4. Perfect: Measure and optimize to drive maximum impact

What do you want readers to take away from your book or be different as a result of reading it?

Content marketing is not impromptu or spontaneous. It requires extensive collaboration and coordination. People, processes and tools need to align with your strategy. There is no short cut, if you want to do it right. I explain step-by-step methods of achieving this alignment in my book.

How do you describe yourself professionally? What is your elevator pitch?

Does a great job distilling complicated issues into workable solutions for my customers. I help them succeed in their marketing efforts.

What are 1-3 books that inspired your work/career? How did they influence you? Your selections can cover any topic.

  • Presentationzen by Garr Reynolds changed how I think about and create presentations.
  • Made it Stick by the Heath Brothers helped me think about headlines and messaging in a new way.
  • How to Write a Sentence by Stanley Fish made me appreciate sentences as fine art.

What is the biggest challenge that you’ve had to overcome in your life or career?

Making a career change from a corporate person to an independent consultant is the biggest challenge that I have ever undertaken. I am still walking that path. We will see how it goes (laugh).

What’s something unusual or fun that most people don’t know about you?

I love to EAT and have a great appetite (laugh). Eating great food is a wonderful pleasure and I enjoy it very much.

Contact information


Pam Didner

Thanks, Pam.

Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen

Heidi CohenHeidi Cohen is the President of Riverside Marketing Strategies.
You can find Heidi on , Facebook and .