Blogger Love Month – Contest
To celebrate American Heart Month, we’re offering bloggers a little bit of our love. We’re renaming February, Blogger Love Month and using the hashtag, BloggerLove (#BloggerLove) to mark our tweets and posts. Since Blank-Post-Syndrome can be heart stopping for a blogger, we’re offering you 125 Free Blog Titles based on things we learned from hanging out with kids.
That’s not all! To show that every one of you is a winner with us, all posts that use one of these 125 titles will be featured in a roundup blog post on March 7th. We will spotlight how bloggers have used these titles in our March 7th post. All you have to do is use one of these titles for a blog post published in February 2011 and link to our 125 Free Blog Titles column.
And our love doesn’t stop there. (Sorry my traditional direct marketing background is peeking through.) One lucky blogger will receive a copy of Chris Brogan and Julian Smith’s book, Trust Agents (affiliate link). Why Trust Agents? Because Chris and Julien packed this book with the best of their learning about building influence in today’s social media world. Their easy-to-read style combined with useful activities help readers put their advice into action. Further, it’s my hat tip to Chris’ always insightful blog.
Not sure where to start?
Here’s an example of a column that uses one of the 125 Free Blog Topics. It’s called Branding: Color Inside the Lines. [It uses the title from the list above to frame a useful post on the topic of branding.]
Now here are my school yard rules for the BloggerLove contest: (aka, the fine print)
- Your blog post has to be at least 500 words long.
- Your blog post must link back to our 125 Free Blog Topics column.
- You blog post must use one of the 125 free blog topics (or a slight variation) as its headline. (Note: Acceptability of the title variation is at the discretion of the judges.)
- You must tweet the post using the hashtag #BloggerLove to ensure that we can find it and track it.
- Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged.
- Submissions must be within the bounds of propriety, can’t discriminate against or degrade anyone, and doesn’t promote any products, services or ideas that are of questionable legality. reserves the right to disqualify a post on these grounds.
- Posts must be dated by February 28th.
- Winner must be willing to provide us with their mailing information.
- While a post may be submitted from any blog, the prize can only be sent to a US mailing address. We appreciate our readers from outside of the US, but dealing with customs is too difficult. If it’s a group blog, only the main author will get the book. (Let’s get real—the primary goal is for the glory not the prize!)
- Winner must be willing to let us showcase your post and your photograph.
- Winner will be announced on Monday, March 7th.
- The winner will be selected at random by the staff of (Posts will be numbered and one will be selected. The selection of the “judges” is final. The Roundup of #BloggerLove posts will be curated by the staff of which reserves editorial judgment.
While the deadline for posts is February 28, 2011, don’t put it off until the night before the deadline, like studying for the big test!
Share the love
Please help spread the word about the #BloggerLove contest by tweeting this post and sharing it with your friends and colleagues via Facebook, LinkedIn and other communications. Please use the #BloggerLove hashtag to promote your blog posts that use these titles.
If you have any questions, please include them in the comments section below.
BTW, if you’d like to show your love, please make a donation to the American Heart Association.
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
P.S. Just in case you missed it or only check the end of posts, here are the 125 Free Blog Topics for Corporate and Personal Blogs to help you find the childlike wonder in your writing. They were inspired by the children inside each one of us. (Don’t forget to use the #BloggerLove hashtag to identify your posts using these topics.)
If you want some more blogging tips, check these articles:
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