Are you a book author who wants to get published?
Of course you ARE!
The next question isn’t as obvious as it seems:
Have you written the book yet?
Are you a book author who wants to get published?
Of course you ARE!
The next question isn’t as obvious as it seems:
Have you written the book yet?
Do you understand who Gen Z is and the impact they have on your marketing?
Have you noticed that different generations behave in distinctive ways?
While their behavior may vary slightly, yet the impact on your business can be significant especially as it relates to your marketing.
Have you built a fan community as part of your overall marketing strategy?
Do your people, products or brand have raving fans who talk about you?
When integrated into your marketing strategy, a fan community is a special group of people who choose to associate with your organization for more than your product or promotions. These individuals feel an emotional attachment to and become externally involved with you. Continue reading
Romance your customers with content marketing is key to success.
Without adding some love, you risk turning prospects off before they have the chance to experience your products and services.
I’m not saying to do this just for Valentine’s Day because romance doesn’t need a special holiday to celebrate your relationship and care.
Rather build your relationships with your audience through the use of quality consistent content to show you care.
Do you consistently produce quality content?
To paraphrase Stan Lee, the creator of Spiderman, “With great content come great brands!”
To help you, let’s examine this content marketing quality lesson,’s Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl ad. While it broke all of the rules at the time, it remains the benchmark for not only Super Bowl ad but also content marketing quality. Continue reading