50 Free Summer Titles For Blogs & Other Content Marketing

Summer Writing Inspiration

Life Is A Beach - Heidi Cohen-1Do you need a push to get your creative juices flowing? Could you use a little help in crafting blog posts and content that pulls prospects and the public in?

Many writers just need an idea for their working title to get on track. As David Ogilvy pointed out in On Advertising, “On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.”

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With summer just around the corner, here are 50 free blog and content marketing titles with additional suggestions to provide the inspiration you need to fill your editorial calendar for the next few months.

School’s Out

  1. BLANK: Did You Make The Grade? This provides a lead into how to assess your product or service without being promotional. It’s a good way to position a checklist.
  2. The BLANK Report Card. Use this classic symbol of education to rate something of interest to your audience.
  3. 12 Tips Every Graduate Needs. Focus this column on something related to your offering. For example, how to dress for success without wearing a suit is a great guide for interviewing.
  4. 7 Things I Never Learned In College. Take seven fun tips for your target audience that you learned on your own.
  5. BLANK: The Commencement Speech I Would Give. What advice would you give to college grads? Here’s what Stephen Colbert said to Northwestern’s 2011 graduates.

Holiday Themes

  1. Remembering BLANK. Memorial Day is a time for remembering those who lost their lives in the service of our country. Show your patriotism or let members of your community spotlight their relatives who died in service.
  2. BLANK: Show Your True Colors. Flag Day is June 14th. Offer your spin.
  3. 10 Gift Ideas for Dad. Don’t forget to celebrate dad on June 16th! This is a great way to encourage prospects to shop for Father’s Day.
  4. Lessons From My Dad. Here’s a way to talk about your father or the founder of your firm. Alternatively, use this as a way to engage your community with images of their dads.
  5. When It Comes To BLANK, Father Knows Best. Here’s another spin on dad’s teachings.
  6. Gone Fishing: How to Vacation Without Feeling Guilty. Why not celebrate Go Fishing Day on June 18th? (Really we didn’t make this up.)
  7. 12 Quick and Easy Fish Recipes. Another way to enjoy Go Fishing Day by helping your audience do the cooking.
  8. Treat Yourself to BLANK. What retailer wouldn’t want to encourage patrons to observe National Splurge Day on June 18th?
  9. O Canada. Salute your Canadian friends and social media colleagues on July 1st.
  10. BLANK: Hooray for the Red, White and Blue. Here’s a spin on the Fourth of July. It can be used for anything that can be shown in different colors.
  11. 50 States of  BLANK. This is an oblique reference to Independence Day.
  12. Get Your Independence From BLANK. This can be used for a wide range of activities from parents to debt.
  13. BLANK: Viva La Difference. Since July 14th is Bastille Day, use this opportunity to play up a French aspect of your business.
  14. Let Them Eat Cake. This is another option for Bastille Day. It comes from Marie Antoinette’s famous phrase. In fact there are several bakeries that have adopted this phrase as their name. Use this to share images of cakes or recipes.
  15. BLANK: Frankly Speaking. Celebrate National Hot Dog Day on July 23rd. This is a serious approach to any topic. Of course, you can just show hot dogs and relish the conversation on social media.
  16. Frank Talk About BLANK. Another option for National Hot Dog Day. (We couldn’t resist!)

Summer Activities

  1. How To Get Your BLANK Ready For Summer. Adapt this for your niche. It’s great for pets and home repairs.
  2. How to Summer Proof Your BLANK. A timeless hook for getting your home, office, car or pet ready for the summer. Extend its life with a checklist.
  3. 10 Apps To BLANK This Summer. Review the latest apps your audience will appreciate. You can modify this title to another product.
  4. Summer Styling. Useful to show your prospects and customers how to use the season’s latest clothes, hairstyles and makeup.
  5. How To Survive Your Family This Holiday Weekend. This is a classic how to get along with the people you love.
  6. 7 Tips To Succeed At Your Summer Internship. Help the student in your life get more out of their summer job.
  7. Camp Packing List. This is great way to promote your products without sounding promotional. Include pictures and fun ideas.
  8. Travels With My BLANK. Summer is family vacations time. Use this as a hook to spotlight your product. For example, the supermarket chain, Stew Leonard’s has a bulletin board with photographs of their customers carrying their plastic bags around the world.
  9. Fun Car Trips. This is a good travel article. Use a special theme such as kids or wine.
  10. Summer Movie Guide. Give your viewing recommendations. Use this year’s crop or review oldies with summer themes.
  11. BLANK: The Heat Is On. What’s hot in your niche and why should your audience care?


Today everyone’s a foodie at heart. Use this association to build your connection to summer foods.

  1. The Never Fail Barbeque Guide. Since Memorial Day and July 4th are known for family barbeques, why not take advantage of this story hook? You can focus on food, cooking, supplies or safety.
  2. How To Plan A Picnic. Honor National Picnic Month this July. Use it to spotlight targeted product, romance or family outings.
  3. 7 Summer Cocktails. What’s your favorite adult beverage?
  4. 31 Unusual Ice Cream Recipes. July is also National Ice Cream Month. It’s a great excuse to provide a new approach to ice cream and related creations. Alternatively, you can offer a list of ice cream flavors you’d like Ben and Jerry’s to create as a spin on Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream ice cream.
  5. Chocolate Dreams. Who wouldn’t want to pay homage to Chocolate Day celebrated on July 7th? Share photographs and recipes for chocolate related fun. Don’t forget to give your loved one chocolate kisses.
  6. Life’s A Bowl Of Cherries: How to Avoid The Pits. Here’s a fun spin on a summer fruit.
  7. Berry Nice to Meet You. Pick your favorite berry and offer related recipes, photographs or other uses.

Wedding Bells

Since June is the classic month for getting hitched, here are a few options.

  1. 10 Last Minute Wedding Gifts. Offer your readers some fun alternatives to the classic cash gift.
  2. 12 Wedding Toasts We Wish We Gave. Many people are afraid of being asked to give a toast. Help them out with some advice.
  3. The Mother of the Bride Survival Kit. Have fun with this advice column.
  4. How To Avoid Being A Bridezilla. Okay it’s your day but no one wants to deal with a cranky bride. It’s a fun way to get tips from your community.
  5. The Social Media Wedding. You can use this to talk about your favorite social media platform or how to socialize your wedding. (BTW—don’t forget to create a hashtag for your wedding.)

On the beach

Summer means fun in the sun at your local beach or pool.

  1. BLANK: Life’s A Beach. This is a how-to that can be applied to any topic.
  2. Ride the wave of BLANK. Another approach to the hot topics in your field. Of course, there’s always the surfing angle.
  3. Beach Reads. Summer reading is a classic activity. What would you recommend to your readers?
  4. 7 Classic Pool Designs. This is a hat tip to Marcus Sheridan who built his pool business with his blog.
  5. Hot Time, Summer In The City. Let your readers know what to do when it’s 92 and you can’t get to the beach.
  6. Best Beaches in BLANK. Give your review of the local sandy havens, whether you love Montauk or Malibu. It’s useful for travel blogs.

While everyone else is heading out to the beach this summer, it can be difficult to get inspired to write your best content. Use these titles to brainstorm posts that work for your target audience.

What other titles would you add to this list and why?

Wishing you a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend. Please note that we won’t be publishing this Sunday and Monday. Enjoy!

Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen

Heidi CohenHeidi Cohen is the President of Riverside Marketing Strategies.
You can find Heidi on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


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