40 Free Titles For Blogs & Other Content Marketing

Titles: End of Summer/Fall Writing Inspiration

Do not judge a book by its titleAs the middle of August approaches, do you need help jumpstarting your writing and content creation?

While everyone else is on vacation taking advantage of the glorious rays of summer sunshine, are you’re stuck behind your computer waiting for inspiration to strike? If so, we’ve got 40 free titles to get you writing. As David Ogilvy pointed out in On Advertising, “On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.”

To help you craft blog posts and content that lures your target prospects and the public in, here are 40 free titles to use this fall with additional suggestions to provide the inspiration you need to fill your editorial calendar for the next few months.

End of summer

The end of summer holds special memories for people.

  • 10 Recipes for Late Summer Harvest. This title is great for cooks and foodies alike. Who doesn’t love the amazing array of fruits and vegetables this time of year?
  • Labor Day Fun (September 2, 2013). Make suggestions including the end of summer barbeque.
  • Close Up the Summer House Checklist. Provide value to your readers in the form of a reminder list that also drives them to your site or store.
  • 7 Items To Buy At The End of Summer. Depending on your content focus and business, create a list of products that never go out of style and are worth buying when they’re on sale.
  • 5 Tips for Preserving Your Family Memories. This is a great family activity especially if you’re focused on the photograph, DIY or craft topics.


It’s no surprise that the back-to-school activity that starts in mid-August is fast becoming the second biggest selling season for many types of retailers. It’s no longer just books, school supplies and clothes; it’s college students decorating their dorm rooms or apartments.

  • How To Make Going Back To School Fun. What child wants to go back to school? Create some mommy or daddy time activities to make it easier.
  • 5 Things to Do With Your Kids Before School Starts. Use this title to focus on family activities or other must dos.
  • The Inside Scoop On How To Get Everything Your Kids Need For School For Under $100.  This is a dressed up version of the “what you need to buy your children for school”. I remember how everyone jammed into the local toy store that sold school supplies when I was in grade school with carefully hand written lists from their teachers.
  • An Apple A Day. Remember when students brought apples for their teachers? This is a good hook for health and nutrition content.
  • BLANK: What I Learned In Fifth Grade. This is a fun hook. Think about how many of the things you do you learned in grade school, such as the arithmetic you use to balance your bank account.
  • What Miss Ludwig Taught Me About BLANK. Who doesn’t remember something that a special teacher taught them (good or bad).
  • 10 Classic Books You Should Read. School means reading, writing and arithmetic. Guide your readers to books that have lessons for your topic.

Fall starts (September 22, 2013)

Time to get back into your school year routines.

  • Fall Fashion: What You Need Now. Every woman is a closet fashionista. At a minimum, they want to spiff up their wardrobe with a few strategic items. Show your target audience how to style this season’s hot looks. Leverage the power of photographs. Remember to link to your products.
  • 5 Fall Road Trips. People love to see the trees turn color. Depending on your business and location, offer some suggestions. Include local sites, hotels or restaurants. As a knitter, I love going to Rhinebeck, NY for the Sheep and Wool Show that allows us to see the beauty of Hudson Valley.
  • 12 Secrets to Getting Organized. For many families, back to school means back to rushed routines. Why not offer your readers suggestions for reducing stress by being organized. Don’t forget the how-to photos.
  • 7 Tips to Get Your Dog Ready For Fall. For many people, their pets are an extension of their family. Why not give them some suggestions to make their special pet healthier this fall?

Seasonal holidays

Take advantage of annual holidays to create evergreen content.

Grandparents Day (September 8, 2013).  The positioning of this post depends on your audience.

  • 7 Activities to Do With Your Grandchildren. Help your readers to create experiences that their grandchildren will remember. It can be a trip to the local museum or how to bake a cake.
  • Memories of My Bubbie. Use this opportunity to gather stories from your customers.
  • Grandma In Action. Offer your readers advice on how to get in shape to keep up with their younger grandchildren.
  • Picture This. This is a great title for sharing photographs of grandparents and their grandchildren. It’s even better if they’re using your product.

Oktoberfest (September 21 through October 6, 2013 ) It’s beer time!

  • 7 New Beers You Must Try Now! This works well for beer aficionados and foodies.
  • Germany: The Beer Tour. Great for travel bloggers. Instead of Germany, you can use local beers.
  • Beer: The Secret Ingredient. Write a column about foods that include beer.
  • Beer: 5 Surprising Uses. A great column for cooking or home tips. One of my favorite uses for stale beer is as a conditioner.

Columbus Day (October 14, 2013). Yes it’s also Canadian Thanksgiving.

  • 5 Cheap and Easy Getaways.  A great way to promote your hotel or restaurant. It’s also good for car trips.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) Remember your content can just use a pink tie-in or donate a portion of your revenues.

  • Support Our Team. Use this opportunity to spotlight employees or customers who are participating in a Breast Cancer related sport. Put their photographs in pink frames and link to their sponsor pages.

Special for 2013

Every year provides special opportunities.

I Have A Dream Day (August 28, 2013) This year is the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech delivered in front of the Washington Monument. 

  • What’s your dream? Use this as a hook to discuss your readers’ aspirations. 

Friday 13th (September 13, 2013). This is the first unlucky Friday in 2013. This is a great hook for scary or bad luck content. Of course, your column should start with the number 13!

  • 13 Scariest Movies. Why not provide the couch potatoes in your audience with entertainment?
  • 13 Ways to Make Your Own Luck. Who says Friday the 13th needs to be unlucky? Help your readers to view their lives better.
  • 13 of the Funniest BLANK on Instagram. The goal here is to have fun, NOT to call out someone’s mistakes.
  • 13 of Our Best Articles to Help You BLANK. This is a title that every blogger can use. Just check your stats to select 13 posts. Remember to add commentary to lure readers in.

Who thought this holiday up?

If you Google bizarre holidays, you’ll find some unusual promotional and title hooks. Here’re a few that tickled my funny bone.

Tell A Joke Day (August 16, 2013). Humor is often a great way to break the ice.  The critical factor is not doing it at someone’s expense.

  • 12 Knock, Knock Jokes About BLANK. The goal is to be funny and original so that your audience shares your content.
  • BLANK Is No Joking Matter. This turns the holiday hook on its head but it lets you get serious.

Kiss and Make Up Day (August 25, 2013) This holiday had to be created by the candy or flower business.

  • 5 Ways to Tell That Your Partner Is BLANK. This is great hook for a relationship column.
  • 7 Small Things You Can Do To Improve Your Relationship With BLANK. Another hook for a relationship column. You can adapt this to your topic.

Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19, 2013) I love this holiday since one of my nephews dressed like a pirate most of the time that he was 3.

  • Where’s the Gold In BLANK?  Like a pirate, who doesn’t want to make more money?
  • BLANK: The Treasure Map. Regardless of your topic, show your readers a path to reach a hard to achieve goal. You can create a related graphic of a treasure map.

National Comic Book Day (September 25, 2013). Super heroes are a great for attracting attention.

  • How to Be a BLANK Super Hero. Who doesn’t want to be a hero? Apply this to your offering or your audience.
  • 10 BLANK Super Heroes. This is another spin on the title above. But it’s useful for spotlighting your customers or the rock stars of your niche.
  • BLANK: The Comic Book Edition. Turn this hook on its head by creating content in comic format. Depending on your topic it has the potential to attract an audience.

Titles are difficult to craft whether you do them at the beginning or the end. Even if you don’t use this list, these 40 free titles are useful for getting you thinking about new ways to approach your blog posts and content.

What other titles would you add to this list and why?

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen



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Photo Credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/glasgowamateur/7025960033/

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