Why Isn’t My Social Media Marketing Driving Any Results?
This is a question I frequently hear from other marketers. Often the answer is simple. They’ve done the hard work of creating strong content and amassed an audience but they’ve left out the critical ingredient needed to get their readers to take the next step. They lack a call-to-action.
A call-to-action has long been an integral part of every direct marketer’s toolbox. Many digital marketers have adapted and enhanced this technique for converting readers to prospects and prospects to customers.
To help you with your social media (and other) marketing, here’s a list of 33 ways to give “your social media visitors a Call to Action”.
Ask them to:
- Read more articles
- Watch, view or play video
- Email a friend; Forward to a friend
- Register for email; Sign up now
- Add RSS feed
- Download whitepaper
- Bookmark this site or page
- Add to favorites
- Print page
Social media actions
- Tweet this
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow on Twitter
- Add to Toolbar
- Share with colleagues (offer multiple options)
- Digg this
- Vote
- Share PowerPoint
- Get on your smart phone
- Text for information
- Download app
- Contact us; Call now; Help
- Register now (website)
- Request a catalog
- Add to wish list
- Add to shopping cart
- Chat now
- Buy now! (Also Purchase Now!)
- Review our product
Add content to your site or page
- Add your comment
- Upload video
- Embed video
- Upload photos
- Upload presentation
While a call-to-action seems like a small item, it can be the difference between getting your readers to actively engage with you or your brand. Tell them what to do, give them a link, a button, a box, an address or a number to make it easy. The best advice is to make it obvious and easy for your potential customer to take action the instant that your message catches their attention. Otherwise, they may be lost forever.
If you have any other calls-to-action to suggest, please add them in the comment section below.
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
Photo credit: U2005.com via Flickr