2011 – A Tipping Point Year

Top 12 Blog Posts of 2011

2011 was a tipping point year. While we lived 2011 one day at a time, events happened that created ripple effects forever changing our outlook on life.

Globally, here are the three events where the news broke and spread on social media that will be remembered by history.

  1. Revolts by ordinary citizens. From the sit-ins in Wisconsin to the Arab Spring to the 99 Percent (Occupy Wall Street,) the great silent majority around the world took to the streets, generally peacefully, to protest. They were empowered and supported through the use of social media and mobile devices. More importantly, the world paid attention.
  2. Japanese Tsunami. A combination of an earthquake followed by a tsunami not only caused extreme loss of life and physical damage but also resulted in challenges to the use of nuclear power and another wave of radiation exposure in Japan.
  3. Steve Jobs death. The death of Apple’s iconic founder and marketing tour de force, whose creative genius and imagination changed how we consume and engage with technology, was mourned around the world.

Before saying adieu to 2011, here are the top twelve posts on Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing blog as voted for by you, the readers.

  1. 31 Public Relations Definitions
  2. Mobile Marketing: 56 MUST Have Facts [Data Included]
  3. 30 Social Media Definitions
  4. QR Codes: 26 MUST-HAVE Facts [Data & Charts]
  5. 125 Free Blog Topics-Corporate and Personal Blogging
  6. Marketing Definitions
  7. Tablet Marketing: 30 Must-Have Facts [Charts]
  8. 111 Ways to Jumpstart 2011
  9. QR Code Metrics [Data]
  10. What is Marketing Strategy?
  11. QR Code Placement: Where Are Yours?
  12. Blog Checklist: 60 Must-Have Items

Finally, I’d like to add a special prayer for Trey Pennington who taught us all how to tell our stories better. May his passing teach us all to listen more carefully to those around us so we can hear their unspoken need to hear how important they are to us. Let’s give them hope to live another day in a world where we all can feel more comfortable with ourselves.

Thank you for your readership,
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen

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