7 Tips to Increase Blog Post Frequency
How frequently should you post new content on your blog is a question many bloggers wonder about. While the short answer is there are no blog post rules, the more accurate response is blog as often as you can create quality content. However like your favorite television show that’s on every Thursday at 9.00pm, it’s important to deliver content on a recurring schedule to encourage regular reading habits.
Depending on your goals, this may not be optimal for your blog. If you’re looking to grow your readership or business, Hubspot’s research showed that you’ve got to blog two to three times a week to gain traction. While blogging multiple times a day yields higher results, blogging two to three times a week yields most of the benefit. Further, it’s critical to ensure that your audience is interested in that quantity of content.
Closely related to blogging frequency is building up a sufficient number of posts to show blogging commitment. According to Hubspot, this happens after 52 posts. Greater depth of content produces better results for search and linking. More frequent posting gets you to this inflection post faster.
The concern for many bloggers is how can they possibly have enough ideas to post more often. As an experiment, Mack Collier, BlogChat’s ringleader, decided to blog every day for three weeks. Contrary to his expectations, Mack found daily blogging was easier than less frequent blogging since he found blogging opportunities he would have otherwise overlooked.
Here are seven suggestions to help you expand your blogging frequency.
- Collect post ideas. Don’t force yourself to sit down and grind out a post from scratch. Jot down the ideas as you get them so that you build the outline of a post over time and it’s partially written before you start. I find this very helpful for reducing writing time. (Here are some writing habit tips.)
- Record your posts. Don’t have the time to write an additional post? Try dictating it and having it transcribed for you. Then all you have to do is edit the finished piece.
- Use an editorial calendar. While this may seem like additional work up front, it helps to schedule post ideas and ensures that you cover important topics.
- Mix in other media formats. Another way to facilitate content creation is to use other media types. For example, include a weekly video, cartoon or photo.
- Create regular columns. Like a traditional magazine’s on-going features, develop columns with built-in, easy-to-execute formats such as customer of the week or book review.
- Share the workload. Have regular columnists who write every week or every month. This works well for business blogs because a variety of employees are involved. Alternatively, invite guest bloggers.
- Curate content. Have focused round ups or a best posts feature. The critical element is to add commentary explaining why that post is important. Here’s where less is more. You’re providing a service by selecting the best of what’s out there.
What’s most important when it comes to blog post frequency is being consistent in your schedule so readers develop the habit of reading your content. You don’t want readers to show up at your blog and find that your last post was over a month ago so it appears no one’s home. If you can manage the content creation, you’ll maximize results for your effort with two to three posts per week.
Do you have any other suggestions to add to this list?
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
A big tip of my hat to my fellow blogchat participants last week for inspiring this post.
Here are some related articles that you may find of interest.
- How to turn your professional blog into a lead generating machine.
- How to blog when your heart isn’t in it
- Here’s 125 Free Blog Topics
Photo credit: kentoh
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