14 Social Media Blogs We Love (& Why You Should Too!)

It’s Valentine’s Day when we celebrate romance and who’s more romantic than a blogger? They share their enthusiasm, knowledge and emotions regularly without expectation of compensation.

In the spirit of romance we celebrate fourteen of the social media blogs we love and the bloggers behind them in alphabetical order.

  1. Boost Blog Traffic. Jon Morrow consistently provides great quality content. Even if you haven’t heard of his blog, you may know him from Copyblogger where he’s an editor. Before you read his blog, check out his guest post on ProBlogger, How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Get Paid to Change the World. It’s among the most moving blog writing I’ve read and well worth your time. 
  2. Brian Solis. Brian continues to be a thought leader in the marketing field. He’s a part of Altimeter, a consultancy that’s an amazing brain trust (including my former ClickZ editor and content marketing expert Rebecca Lieb, author of  Content Marketing.) His books are must-reads. Check out: The End of Business As Usual
  3. Convince and Convert. Jay Baer doles out high quality content regarding how to use social media that’s well thought out. He’s a great speaker who gets SRO audiences. Catch him live at all of the major social media conferences including Social Media Marketing World.
  4. Copyblogger. Brian Clark and his team continually publish high quality content on the topic of writing. It’s not just for bloggers. This content is for anyone looking to create amazing content for a blog, marketing or other use.  
  5. Jeff Bullas. Jeff Bullas provides a wealth of information to help businesses using social media to get found. As an Australian, he’s done a great job of getting found by a number of top US lists. 
  6. Kikolani. Kikolani is Kristi Hines’ blog home base. But don’t let that fool you. She’s a powerhouse blogger, in addition to being a new mother (Congrats!). Kristi is a great example of how to curate content on a blog in her Fetching Fridays. (BTW—Margie Clayman who is a librarian by education did a version of this with her Thirty Thursdays.) You’re more likely to find Kristi’s user-friendly content across a number of high profile blogs and online magazines. 
  7. Online Marketing Blog. Lee Odden is a long time blogger who along with his team write a daily blog focused on search, social media and content. He’s a regular speaker at a variety of high profile conferences including Content Marketing World, SES and Social Media Marketing World. He’s also author of Optimize. (BTW—Facebook Expert Mari Smith is in the photo with Lee.) 
  8. ProBlogger. Started by Darren Rowse to share the knowledge he acquired building the Digital Photography School. It’s a great information resource about blogging, social media and content in general. BTW—Darren periodically stops by Mack Collier’s #BlogChat on Sunday nights.
  9. Quick Spout. The personal blog of entrepreneur and search expert Neil Patel. Neil delivers valuable information in long posts that provide step-by-step information with images that give you insights into how to execute his teachings. At his briefest, Neil’s posts have over 1,000 words. Additionally, you can get Neil’s useful insights at many top blogs as he’s also a prolific guest blogger on top blogs such as SEOmoz and Problogger.
  10. Social Media Examiner. Don’t call it a blog—Social Media Examiner is an online magazine. Mike Stelzner’s online media entity covers the waterfront of social media with useful, easy-to-implement information accompanied by related images and screenshots. This blog is written by the best in the social media field (Disclaimer – I write for SME.) Mike, whose book, Launch, is a must-read, believes in the future of podcasting and has a regular slot on Fridays. As online media entities go, SME has a very high bar for editorial quality. (Kudos to editor Cindy King.) Why not join the crew in San Diego for Social Media Marketing World
  11. Social Media Explorer. Jason Falls is the force behind Social Media Explorer. He’s got keen insights on the current state of social media. If you’ve got a chance to hear Jason, grab it. Don’t let his southern accent and colorful language fool you, he’s really sharp. 
  12. Social Triggers. Derek Halperin voraciously consumes research regarding how people act and engage. He then applies it to marketing questions. (Big thank you for introducing me to Jonah Berger, Wharton Professor and author of Contagious.) As a speaker, Derek is a good storyteller; I heard him at Affiliate Summit East 2012.  
  13. The Sales Lion. Marcus Sheridan provides long format content on how to drive sales based on his experience building his pool company during the economic downturn. BTW—He’s an engaging speaker who has to be pulled from the stage (as he was at Content Marketing World 2012.)  
  14. ViperChillGlen Allsopp’s blog is more about blogging than social media but his long, well crafted posts are worth the time investment. His content attracts lots of comments. Glenn shows how a blogger can use their blog to drive revenue generation. Even more amazing is that Glenn is only 22! 

Please understand that I was unable to get every blog I love on this list and I don’t want any of you to be heartbroken. (BTW—download our new FREE e-book entitled, What Every Blogger Needs to Know – 101 Actionable Blogging Tips.)

There are more bloggers that belong to this list. Who’s on your list, what’s their focus and why do they deserve to be on it? (Please no self-promotion or spam.)

Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen

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Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8136496@N05/2264112072/


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